







  • 个人简介
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  • 工作经历

    BuryatState Uuniversity, Ulan-Ude, Russia

    Department of Russian Philology


    2009 - 2017

    East-SiberianStateUniversity of Technology, Ulan-Ude, Russia


    Department of Public Relations

    Part-time associate professor

    East-SiberianStateUniversity of Technology, Ulan-Ude, Russia


    Department of Public Relations

    Associate professor

    Buryat State university, Ulan-Ude, Russia

    Department of English Philology


    Assistant Professor 


    Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy (Habilitation), 2010

    Post-graduate, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy (Ph.D), 1998

    Diplom of higher education, 1987

    Moscow State University, Russia

  • 著作教材:

    Irina Boldonova is the author of more than 100 publications in Russian and English, among them:

    1.    Hermeneutics of Interpersonal Communication. Monograph. – Ulan-Ude: BSU Press, 2004.- 296 pages.

    2.    Interpersonal Communication: social and philosophical aspects.. Monograph. – Ulan-Ude, 2005. – 146 pages.

    3.    Basics of Communication Theory. Manual. – Ulan-Ude: ESSTU Press, 2002. – 220 pages.

    4.    Literary Hermeneutics. Textbook. – Ulan-Ude: BSU Press, 2013.

    5.      Eurasian Frontier: Values, Challenges and Interactions in Intercultural Dialogue. (EditorI. Boldonova). - LAPLambert, Saabruecken, Germany,  2013. –  144 pages

    6.    Dialogue of Nature and Society: The Baikal Region in the Context of Globalizing Eurasian civilization. Ulan-Ude: ESSUTMPress, 2015. – 168 p.

    7.    Eurasian Frontier in the Dialogue of East and West. Ulan-Ude. Buryat State University Press, 2016. - 286 pp.

    8.      Russian Literature in Views of Philosophical Ideas . – Textbook. Ulan-Ude: BSU Press, 2016 – 88 p.

    9.      Eurasian Frontier: Interrelation of Eurasian Cultures in a Global Age  / edited by Irina Boldonova, Vensus A. George. First edition. | Washington, DC : The Council for Research in    Values and Philosophy, 2016. | Series: Cultural heritage and contemporary    change. Series IVA, Eastern and Central European philosophical studies ;    Volume 55.





    1. H.-G. Gadamer & J. Derrida encounter on dialogue. // Contexts      of Dialogism. Artes Liberalres. University of Warsaw. Warszawa,  2018. – P. 97-123.

    2. Boldonova      I., Mu Feng Ling. Reception of Russian Films by Chinese Students,  Russian Learners. Vestnik of BSU /      Issue. 2. - 2018. – P. 116-121.

    3.      Boldonova I., Nadagurova A. A Circle of Concepts in M. Zhigzhytov’s trilogy “Nearby the Sea” as the Way of Point of View Revealing / Vestnik of BSU. - 2015. Issue. 10(1). – P. 15-20

    1. Boldonova      I., Naydanova V. The Genre of Literary Portrait  in Literary Critics of Buryatia of the      XX century. / Vestnik of Zabaikalsky University. - № 12 (103). – 2013. -      P. 98-102.

    2. Hermeneutics      at a University Environment: Perspectives of Intercultural Communication  / University-in-differance. – Warszawa: Wydział “Artes      Liberales” Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2016. – P. 221-239.

    3. Boldonova      I., Imihelova S. Reflextion of Crisis in Person’s Self-identity in  Post-Soviet Literature.  / Vestnik of BSU. Issue 2. – 2017. - P.      148-157.

    4. The Baikal Region’s      National Ethnic and Ecological Traditions as the Source of Environmental      Ethics / Social responsibility,      ethics and sustainable business: theory and practice /ed.: Alin      Stancu, Georgiana F. Grigore. - Bucureşti : Editura ASE, 2014. – Р. 68-78

    5. Boldonova I., Tsetsura      K.Volunteering Movement in Russia: Regional Presence and Future      Perspectives Styles of Communication. – Vol.7 # 1/ 2015. – P. 7-22.

    6. The      Buryat-Mongols’ Way of Being and Their National Image of the World      //Colloquia Humanistica 5 (2016) Nation. “Natsiya”. Ethnie. – P. 75-90.

    10.  Boldonova I. (2016): Environmental Hermeneutics: Ethnic and Ecological Traditions in Aesthetic Dialogue with Nature. In: Journal of Landscape Ecology, Vol.: 9 / No. 1., 6-19.

    1. Irina      Boldonova, Darima Boronoeva, The Buryats in China (Shenehen Buryats): the      Role of School Education //  Styles      of Communication. - Volume 5, Issue No. 1 / 2013. – P. 7-25.

    12.  The Image of Baikal as the Way of Comprehension of Being Fundamental Truth  / Vestnik of BSU– Issue 10. –  2013. – P. 147-151.

    13.  Boldonova I., Danchinova M. Reflection of Ritual Actions of the Buryats in the National Literature. Отражениеобрядово-ритуальныхдействийбурятвнациональнойлитературе. / Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology. – Vol.7. - #9. – Sep. 2012. – P.105-107.

    14.  Man by Baikal Lake: to the Question of Aesthetic Cognition Natural Objects. / Vestnik of BSU.– 2013. – Issue. 14/2013. – P. 207-210. 

    15.  Communicative aspect of literary hermeneutics / Vestnik of BSU. – Vol.2.  – 2012. - P. 165-173.

    16.  Hermeneutic Aspect of Aesthetics of Nature. In: Environmental Ethics and Technology in the XXI century. 2012. Ulan-Ude: ESSTU Press. 46-53.

    17.  Hermeneutic Analysis of Literary Texts: Communicative Aspect. In: Vestnik of Buryat State University. – Series. 2: Language. Literature. Culture. 2012. – P. 171-175.

    18.  Hermeneutic Existentials of artistic being in Modern Buryat Poetry (B. Dugarov, N. Nimbuev, D. Dorzhieva). / Russia – Asia: Values and Social Experience. - Ulan-Ude: Buryat State univ. Press, 2012. – P. 29-35.

    19.  Hermeneutics of Literary Communication:  Transversal Values in Intercultural Discourse. / The Role of Philosophy in Contemporary World. – Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 2012. – P. 36-45.

    20.  Hermeneutic historicism: artistic image of Chengishan in modern Buryat Literature as a Factor of National Revitalization. / Vestnik of BSU. – Vol. 6. – 2012. – P. 268-274.

    21.  Literary Hermeneutics is a Form of Philosophic Approach to Literature. – A Collection of scientific articles. – Ulan-Ude: East-Siberian State Technol. Univ. Press, 2012. – P. 11-18.

    22.  Eurasian Frontier and Methodological Issues of Intercultural Communication / Eurasian Frontier: concept “national” in the Russian, Mongolian, Chinese languages and literatures: materials of international round table. – Ulan-Ude: Buryat State univ. Press, 2011. – P. 3-9.

    23.  The Role of Hermeneutics in Moral and Spiritual Seeking / Intelligence in a changing society: social status, image, values and scenario of development: a Collection of scientific articles of the VIII International conference. – Ulan-Ude: Buryat university Press, 2010. – P. 234-239.

    24.  Hermeneutics of sustainable development: from dialogue between civilizations  to solution of globalization issues / Global and Regional issues of Sustainable Development: a Collection of articles of the International conference. UNESCO Department. – Ulan-Ude: East-Siberian State Technological univ. Press, 2010. – P. 15-22.

    25.  Hermeneutics and Competence Approach in Education. // Vestnik of ChitSU, 2009. – P. 124-128.

    26.  Hermeneutics of oral interpersonal communication. // Vestnik of BSU, 2009. – P. 161-167.

    27.  Interpersonal Communication: oral and written discourses. // Vestnik of Yakutsk State university, 2009. – P. 120-125.

    28.  Ontological Foundation of Hermeneutic Theories in Communication Philosophy. // Vestnik of Chuvashsky State university, 2009. – P. 117-122.

    29.  About dialogic nature of H.-G. Gadamer’s Hermeneutics. // Vestnik of BSU. – 2009. - P. 21-26.

    30.  On H.-G.Gadamer’s «Truth and Method. The Hermeneutics of Interpersonal Communication» / The Dialogue of Cultural Traditions: A Global Perspective. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series I, Culture and Values, Vol. 39, Chapter XXXIX. – [General Editor George F. McLean]. – [electronic recourses]. URL: http://www.crvp.org/book/Series01/I-39/chapter-39.htm (last date: 12.12.2009).

    31.  The Role of Hermeneutics in Harmonizing of Interpersonal Relations / Ethics of Future: Aksiology of Sustainable Development. – ESSU Press, 2008. – P. 102-107.

  • Russian as a foreign language. Basic course for the 1st year.

    Russian as a foreign language. Basic course for the 2st year.

    Russian as a foreign language. Basic course. Advanced level for the 3d year.

    Russian as a foreign language. Conversation for the 2st year.

    Russian as a foreign language. Listening and Comprehension the 2st year.

    Comparative Linguistics for Master students

    History of Russian Culture for Master students

    Linguistic anf Cultural studies doe Master students